Friday 29 August 2014

Google Joins Amazon in Dreams of Drone Delivery

Google on Thursday lifted the veil on an experimental program to deliver goods with tiny unmanned, or “drone,” aircraft that are a cross between a plane and a helicopter, according to Google. The project was detailed in alengthy Atlantic story.
Program, which Google is calling Project Wing, was led for two years by Nicholas Roy, an M.I.T. professor who took a sabbatical for the project. According to The Atlantic, Google now has dozens of people on Project Wing. They’re working on improving the technology, and may create a drone delivery application.

The Federal Aviation Administration has so far not been keen on the drone delivery concept. Earlier this year, it blocked an aerial delivery service proposed by a local brewery in Minnesota for ferrying beer to ice fishermen who didn’t want to come in from the cold.

A Google spokeswoman said the company has briefed the F.A.A. on its hopes for a fleet of baby helicopters, which would not be built for at least a few years.
The actual delivery would be handled, Google said it tried the parachute approach as well as shooting the package downward like a missile. They also tried landing it, but that was problematic because Google believed people might get too close to the vehicle and lose a finger to the drone’s rotors while trying to fetch their delivery.
In the end, they settled on a kind of fishing line that lowers the payload to customers from an airborne drone about 150 feet above the ground, as Google demonstrates with a package of dog food.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Gerard Pique and Shakira do ice bucket challenge

Gerard Pique and Shakira’s attempt at the ice bucket challenge ended in comical fashion after the pop star hit the Barcelona defender in the face with the pan .

Posted a video of him and his girlfriend completing the challenge – which aims to raise money and awareness about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) – on his official Facebook page on Tuesday.
Shakira nominated Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and, interestingly, Pope Francis before having ice-cold water poured over her by Pique.
Seconds later, Pique then challenged compatriots Sergio Ramos and Cesc Fabregas, alongside MotoGP rider Marc Marquez, to undertake the task before his girlfriend dumped ice-cold water over the Barcelona man – but ended up accidentally hitting Pique in the face with the empty pan too.
Their ice bucket challenge may have ended rather comically, but, we love that Shakira has chosen Pope Francis to take on the charity initiative next …

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Worlds Most Expensive Dog Breeds: Top 10

  1.       I.     Samoyed ($4,000 to $11,000)

Bright and alert, with a weather-resistant coat, Samoyeds excel at agility, herding, weight pulling, sledding, pack hiking, and conformation shows, among many others. But the Samoyed’s premium price could also be due to its looks: a coat that ranges from pure white to biscuit.

     II.        English Bulldog ($2,500 to $9,000)

This jowly breed is known for its “loose-jointed, shuffling gait and massive, short-faced head”. Bulldogs are lovable and gentle, though often unaware of their size. Based on its continued placement on the AKC’s list of most popular dogs in the U.S.

    III.        Chow Chow ($3,000 to $8,500)

This powerful and sturdy Arctic breed used to be a working dog, but today can mostly be found as a companion and in shows. Not surprising, considering its “lion-like” appearances, immense coat and uniquely blue or black tongue.

   IV.        Lowchen ($5,000 to $8,000)

Löwchen means “little lion” in German, a fitting name for this small dog with an impressive mane of hair and talent for agility. Clipped close to the skin at the hindquarters, with cuffs of hair around the ankles and a plumed tail.

    V.        Rottweiler ($2,000 to $8,000)

Rottweilers are as multi-talented as they are robust and powerful.  Intelligent, patient breed often works as a police dog, herder, service dog, therapy dog, or obedience competitor. Rottweilers are also protective and self-confident, making them excellent companions.

   VI.        Tibetan Mastiff ($2,200 to $7,000)

The massive Tibetan Mastiff displays a “noble bearing” and a royal price tag to go with it. It is an aloof and watchful breed, with an immense double coat and a kind expression. But the breed’s dignified personality can also translate into a reluctance to participate in organized activities.

  VII.        Akita ($1,500 to $4,500)

Akitas originated in Japan and today can be found all over the world as successful show and therapy dogs. They have thick coats, plush tails and a powerful build, along with a dignified and courageous personality.

 VIII.        Pharaoh Hound ($2,500 to $6,500)

As regal as its name implies, the Pharaoh Hound is “graceful, powerful, and, above all, fast.” But they’re also eager to please, making them great at hunting, obedience, and lure coursing. Most unique is the Pharaoh Hound’s “blush”.

   IX.        Saluki ($2,500)

Salukis look thin and graceful, but possess impressive strength and endurance. The sight hound is a great hunter, lure courser and show dog, and can appear smooth or coated with feathering on the legs, in varous colors.

    X.        Irish Wolfhound ($1,500 to $2,000)

Two thousand dollars might seem a small price to pay for the tallest of dogs, also known for a commanding appearance. Irish Wolfhounds are known for their athletic ability, especially in endurance running. And of course, there is an Irish proverb to describe their personality.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Novartis Joins With Google, contact lens to detect diabetes

Your beauty might lie in the eye of the beholder, but if Google has its way, so will medical diagnostics. In the first step towards designing nano technology products that can monitor body functions Google has joined forces with pharmaceutical giant Novartis to advance the Silicon Valley giant's work on contact lenses that can measure the wearers' blood sugar levels, a basic for people with diabetes. 

The move comes just a day after one of the principals behind the technology, Babak Parviz, an Iranian-American who also pioneered the Google Glass, left the company to join Amazon. Google pressed ahead with the tie-up with Swiss multinational, which is at the center of a drug spat with India. The two companies said Novartis's Alcon eye-care division would license and commercialize ''smart lens'' technology designed by Google development team .

Announcement is the latest in a trend of tech companies getting into the health and fitness domain. Google already has a platform called Google Fit to measure heath metrics such as sleep and exercise on devices running on its android platform headed by the Indian-American Sundar Pichai. 

Friday 1 August 2014

China Sells Sexy Peaches Dressed In Tiny Panties!

China has an interesting new trend emerging called "Ripe Fruit."
Special peaches are sold in China from Yangshan, in Wuxi, and they're apparently super juicy and delicious. The area is also known for its lingerie and garment industry, so of course it made sense to put sexy panties on the peaches.

Get it?! Cause peaches already sorta look like butts! 

Aside from getting fruit perverts all hot and bothered, the panty peaches are being sold to cash in on the upcoming Chinese romantic Qixi Festival!Were not sure how we'd feel about biting into a juicy peach after tearing off its tiny panties.

A box of the booty fruit costs around $80 so they're somewhere between tasty treat, novelty gift and high-end weirdness.
Would U eat a panty peach??

System down: US visa become literally unobtainable

US Visas have become literally unobtainable in all consulates worldwide for nearly two weeks as IT specialists have struggled to fix the country’s malfunctioning consular database. the real problems emerged after the Bureau of Consular Affairs updated the software for the Oracle-based CCD on July 20, as had been recommended by the operating company. The system was down until July 23, when its operations were partially restored. The system is still not working at full capacity, however. 

The glitch has already affected a large number of potential visitors to the US, as over 200 US consulates around the world issue thousands of visas on a daily basis, the Wall Street Journal said. The problem is hitting travelers particularly hard during peak vacation season, as those who applied for a US visa cannot travel to other countries while their passports are with US authorities. They have to simply have patience and wait until the situation is resolved. For those planning to visit the US on business visas, deals may now have to be postponed or canceled. The same applies to athletes, actors and other professionals who may fail to fulfill previously signed contracts and must be present in the US by a certain date. 

Even diplomats who need to visit the UN headquarters or financial institutions in New York for urgent negotiations have not been spared the delays. Scientists and high-tech workers now waiting for temporary work visas, such as H-1B visas, have had their interviews canceled or rescheduled, the WSJ reported. 

In Russia the “no visa” situation was misinterpreted at first, due to the growing tension between Moscow and Washington over developments in Ukraine and MH17 crash two days prior to the US consular database going offline. In the confusion, some Russians who had applied for US visas or were planning to do so jumped to the conclusion that the US consulate’s refusal to process their documents was part of the sanctions against Russia. It took a couple of days until an official announcement from the State Department clarified that the problem was worldwide, not confined to Russia. 

In 2013 alone, the US Bureau of Consular Affairs issued 9.1 million nonimmigrant visas and nearly half a million immigrant visas, US media reported, along with issuing some 13 million passports. As of December 2009, the CCD database already contained over 100 million visa cases and 75 million photographs, and was growing by 35,000 visa cases daily, PIA reported.